
A few thoughts on the Republican convention and presidential election (Sam Oommen)

Published on 23 July, 2016
A few thoughts on the Republican convention and presidential election (Sam Oommen)

The race to become President of the United Statesis gathering momentum. The role Pravasees is important in the election.  The politically conscience Keralite community is well aware of the parties and the candidates and they have already determined among them who deserved their votes.  Our votes must be on our freewill, conscience and for the party and candidate who stand for the immigrant community.

Traditionally the decisions of the Democratic Party have favored the immigrants and the Party continues to safeguard it.  Indo US relationship has improved considerably benefiting both the countries under the Obama Administration for the last eight years. 

India is an important ally of the United States and NATO in the fight against international terrorism in foreign soil.  President Obama could build up considerably on Indo-US co-operation on the basis of established relationship during the Presidency of Bill Clinton.  President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton are real good friends of India. 

After the recession of 2008, America has made much headway in many areas under President Obama.  The unemployment rate now stands below 5%.  Gas price has reached below $2.20 a gallon.  Domestic Oil production has surged to all-time high due to fracking technology.  The economy is strong and the stock market has risen from 13,000 to over 18,500.  The American auto industry has been forging ahead with new innovations.  The crash in the real estate during 2008 is now stabilized and people could modify and refinance their homes at a much lower rate.  This saved many middle class home owners to keep their dream homes.  

The Republicans hesitate to acknowledge and recognize the progress and achievements of Obama administration. But the people are well aware of this. 

The Republicans were non-cooperative to the Obama administration and in fact some of them  turned out to be proponents of racism and hate crimes. The gun lobby has grown monstrous and became a stumbling block to create common sense Gun Control Law.  The lawmakers have failed Americans about gun violence, which took the life of many innocents. Americans deserve and expect better from the lawmakers about dealing this menace.

Some Indians support the Republicans ignoring the reality. They issue statements to press claiming that the community is siding with the party. It is a baseless claim and the community has never authorized any one or any group to be their conscience keepers and speak for them.   The community does not go with those opinions and members have their own freewill and conscience whom they vote and which party they support. 

The Republican Convention has just concluded and we have seen how divisive and devastated the Republican Party left.  The Party is no more a party of conservative and right thinking Americans.  Much have been spoken during the convention and we have seen the talk for talk.  Bigotry, hatred, blasphemy, threat, scare, negativism are the outcome of the convention.  

The following observations and questions are lingering in my mind and I share them with the community. 

Ted Cruz:  A winner on his own way. Stood firm on his conservative tea party principles. After all he has a point and he was firm on it and not supporting Trump. 

Gov. John Kasich, a stalwart of Republican Party and the Governor of  Ohio. His kept away from Trump to uphold his Republican values. Gov. Kasich has a bright future in the Republican Party. 

Dr. Ben Karson, a crying baby. He claims himself a close friend of Lucifer as he knows all about the business of Lucifer. He depicts himself a follower of Christ which he proved often otherwise. The very fact that he equated someone and called the name Lucifer is not Christ-like. A person with Christian values always look at others with respect, love, compassion and care and not calling them names like Lucifer. He has many intentions and he unveiled it at the Republican convention. It doesn't go well with Americans. 

Ivanka: She tried to present  a glossy picture of Trump and his family. How much she is terrified and affected by the three divorces of her father in her life time. All was well with her close knit family when Trump shunted his wives and mothers of his children. Looking at the goal of American presidency and hoping for the subsequent business developments; she tried to paint a glossy picture of her father and family. Just a trajectory. 

Trump: What you heard from him is clear and recorded. At the end America and the delegates got bored of his lengthy speech. Somehow everyone wanted it to end. At the outset let me remind you, America is not built on a single day. It took almost 374 years to build America by the great forefathers and 44 Presidents. As written in the Bible it took seven days for God Almighty to create this Universe from the "word of HIS mouth".

 Is Trump trying to act like god, repeatedly affirming "I can do everything" "a savior, protector, destroyer;" promising that he will do everything in January 2017. Is he acting like god or is he an agent supported by anti-christ. Anti-Christ want to establish his regime and install his agents in all important positions in the world around. The people who do not have firm faith falls easy victims of such blast of words and rhetoric. Beware Trump has already influenced even the Evangelicals with his false promises. That is the sign of end times when the so-called believers will fall prey to his blasphemy. 

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T. R. David 2016-07-23 22:58:28
What Sam Oommen wrote about the Dem. Party was also my belief until recently, but your readers must also watch my documentaries in youtube and google under DAVID VS AT&T, part 3, 4 &5 how the Democrats are doing in our kangaroo courts in Orlando/Tampa/ U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 11th Circuit and in the New York State and Federal Courts and how they control the judiciary where the Chairman of the Dem. Party' Rules Committee committed fraud upon the courts and the entire democratic party machinerywas trying to hush up by ignoring a unanimous 5 judge panel's orders to investigate the party chairman, Ralph Curtis DAWSON of the Fulbright & Joworski, LL.P. law firm. Any reader interested in knowing more can contact me TOLL Free in India on (631)841-6222 Sincerely, T. R. David
Talakkottur R. DAVID 2016-07-23 23:03:02
Your comments about the Democratic party's agenda and their past achievements are like the ten blindmen went to see an elephant.  Want to listen to what they did to me. See me what I have to tell the civilized world in  DAVID VS AT&T, parts 3, 4 & 5. More will come after September 26, 2016 when the U.S. Supreme Court consider my case No.15-9100  DAVID VS AT&T et al. Tell your esteemed readers to watch what they have to listen what the Democrats failed to do during past 4 decades including how they covered up fraud in the American courts.
Johnson 2016-07-24 13:09:03
The problem with you Malayalees and other Indians is that you are so blinded.  You all are ignorant of the U.S. constitution, U.S. History and why America is going down the toilet morally and fiscally.  If the economy is "so great", how come we are over 20 trillion in the national debt?  You believe anything and everything the news will tell you, that's your own ignorance, just like back in Kerala.  Truth be told, many of you are not fit to be in this country to begin with; you lack a certain class and intelligence that makes the rest of the community look bad.  Do your research on the tyrannical and satanic measures that the Obama administration has done.  Stop believing everything CNN (Clinton News Network) tells you.  Trump will become president because Americans have had enough of the corruption.  And hopefully, Trump will halt the immigration of ignorant people from India.  Tell the rest of your friends and relatives that before they come to America, read the U.S. Constitution and learn to assimilate in this country otherwise - DON'T COME HERE!!!
Anthappan 2016-07-24 13:16:59

I am glad to see this article here.  Malayaalees are very reserved about American politics though most of them   are US citizens.  Most of them are like Trump who cares about himself.  Malayalees won’t waste their time if they don’t get personal recognition out of it.  Though most of them lived in this country, they haven’t integrated well with the American society.  Most of them are comfortable in churches, temples , Mlayalee asociations, FOKANA, FOAMA and other organizations.   You can still see people talk about Kerala politics and politicians.   The reason we see an absence of our next generation from the American politics is because there are no strong leaders in our community to guide them.  The greatest ambition of any Malayalees is to become the President of FOKANA OR FOAMA and visit Kerala and hang around in Trivandrum with some visionless and useless politician.  It is very important to get involved in American politics to stop Trump or otherwise your next generation here is going to be the slaves for some supremacist racist whites.  

Trump is going to the be the ‘Armageddon’ for America if he is elected.   He is fraud to the core.  There 3500 law suits against him from the Fraud Trump University.  He never disclosed his tax returns where you and I paid the tax.  He is married three times and prove time and again that he is not a good example for the next generation.   He has people working in China and Mexico to produce Trump brand ties and other cheap products and then claim that Obam’s trade deal is sending thousands of Job abroad.  He is born liar and a thug.  I agree 100% with this article.  You get out there in this upcoming election and vote for Hillary Clinton who will stand for the emigrant community.  America is doing great and moving forward.  We need a leader who can take our next generation to prosperity and wealth and Hillary Clinton is that leader.

Vote For Hillary Clinton and she is going to be our next President. 

Anthappan 2016-07-25 03:55:41
Johnson;    Are you losing your mind?  Who brought this country to debt? Is it Obama? Republican has been dragging this nation into debt through war.  Every time they want to cling on to power and show that they are strong they go and attack a small nation.  And in order to have this war conducted they borrowed money and that is how all the debt got mounted.  President Clinton handed  over surplus money to George Bush.  George Bush, Rumsfeld, and Chaney took this nation to war with Iraq claiming that there is WMD hidden in Iraq.  More than six trillion dollar they spent to get rid of Saddam Hussein.  He sacrificed more than four thousand American soldiers and more than thirty thousand got wounded. Millions of innocent people got killed and millions got displaced.  Americans lost job and the economy shambled.  Shame on you Johnson for your ignorance.  Have you been drinking coolade? Coolade is good for hair not for brain.   Can you get lost with your constitution and go back to Trump University? 
Terminator 2016-07-25 06:00:48
As Anthappan said, Johnson must be one of the ignorant people brought from or sneaked in through Mexican boarder.  Stop spitting out your ignorance on this page.  Did you read this article? or just your disillusioned with Trump the greatest liar of the world.  He has been claiming that Obama is foreign born and asking for a birth certificate.  Have you heard the news about his ties to Russia? I know you never pay attention to such thing because Trump is your deity?  Go ahead man! at the end he will shit on your face and tell you dark brown Indian thank you for  your vote but get out of this place.  You may say that you have the John the baptists name and he will ask his KKK buddies to cut your neck and give it to Malina Trunk in platter.  I am not trying to scare you and that is what is going to happen to many Christians those who are going to vote for Trump the Lucifer or evil in flesh.  Can you disappear from this page and let us vote for HILLARY CLINTON OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. 

Observer 2016-07-25 06:57:25

Many Malayalees live in this country thinking that they are still in Kerala.  Many don’t even speak English properly.  They claim that the original English is spoken in England and they learned British English in Kerala.  The problem with them is that they speak neither British English nor American English.  Many are comfortable in speaking Malayalam and spend their life time in churches, Malayalee Associations, FOKANS, FOAMA, WORLD MALAYALEE association, District, Thalook, Village, Panchayatt, Nair Samajam, Ezhava association,  Rejected Malayalee Association ( Some Malayalees are rejected and they join together and formed the RMA).   Their political Gurus are Achuthamenon, Pinarayi, and bha bha bha Oommen Chandy.  It looks like Johnson used to be an MGR and now Rajanikant fan.  He thinks Trump is going to money order lots of money to him on the first day he becomes president.  He also probably think that he can make use of Trumps power to take revenge on his church enemies.  He dreams about living thousand years with Trump in a place where there is no other Malayalees.   He may be dreaming that one Ivanka Trump becomes President and he can flirt around her.  Stop hallucinating about all this impossible things an wake up into reality.  Mama Hillary is going to be your next President she is going to straighten many lazy Malayaless and make them move their ass to learn to speak Proper English. Please don’t speak  ‘long time no see’. 

Hillary For 2016 2016-07-25 07:38:06
മലയാളികൾ കൂട്ടത്തോടെ ഇത്തവണ വോട്ട് ചെയ്ത് ഹില്ലരിയെ ജയിപ്പിക്കണം എന്നാണ് എന്റെ അഭിപ്രായം. അതുപോലെ ഫോകാനയും ഫോമയും പള്ളികളും കൂടി മലയാളിയെ വളരാൻ അനുവദിക്കില്ല.  ഫോമ സമ്മേളനത്തിൽ വന്നവന്മാരിൽ ഒരു നല്ല ശതമാനം പോങ്ങന്മാരും വിവര ഇല്ലാത്തവരും ആയിരുന്ന്. എന്റെ ഗതികെട്ട സമയത്തും പിന്നെ ഒരു നിമിഷത്തെ വിവരക്കേടുകൊണ്ടുമാണ് ഇതിനു പോയത് . ഇപ്പോൾ ഞാൻ ബാൾട്ടിമോറിലെ ഡെമോക്രാറ്റിക്ക് പാർട്ടിയുടെ സജ്ജീവ പ്രവർത്തകനാണ് . മലയാളികളോട് അമേരിക്കൻ പൊളിറ്റിക്‌സ് സംസാരിക്കാൻ വലിയ പാടാണ്   ചില മലയാളി സുഹൃത്തുക്കളോട് അമേരിക്കൻ ഇല്കഷനെക്കുറിച്ചു പറഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ അവര് ചോദിക്കുന്നു എന്ത് ഇലക്ഷൻ ആരുടെ ഇലക്ഷൻ.  ആകെ അവർക്കറിയാവുന്നതു ഫോമയും ഫൊക്കാനയുമാണ്.  ഒരുത്തൻ പറഞ്ഞു ക്ലിന്റൺ ആണല്ലോ പ്രസിഡണ്ട് പിന്നെ എന്തിനാ വെറുതെ മത്സരിക്കുന്നതെന്നു.  ക്ലിന്റൺ ശേഷം ജോർജ്ജ് ബുഷ് വന്നതും ഒബാമ പ്രസിഡന്ടായതും പറഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ പറയുന്നത് ഫോമയുടെ ചരിത്രത്തിൽ ഒബാമ എന്ന് പേരുള്ള ഒരു പ്രസിഡണ്ട് ഉണ്ടായിട്ടല്ല എന്നാണ്. വേറൊരുത്തനോട്  അടുത്ത തലമുറക്ക് വേണ്ടിയെങ്കിലും  അമേരിക്കൻ രാഷ്ട്രീയത്തിൽ ഇടപെടണം എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ പറയുന്നത് അയാൾ സ്വന്ത മക്കളുമായി വലിയ ബന്ധം ഇല്ല അവര് എവിടെയാണെന്ന് ഒരു വിവരവും ഇല്ല.  വേറൊരുത്തൻ പറഞ്ഞതു എല്ലാം പിണറായി വിജയൻ നോക്കിക്കൊള്ളുമെന്നു.  ഇപ്പോൾ മലയാളികളെ ഞാൻ വിട്ടു നോർത്ത് ഇൻഡ്യാക്കാരോടാണ് സംസാരിക്കുനന്നതു. ഒന്ന്മല്ലെങ്കിൽ രാഷ്ട്രീയബോധം ഉണ്ട് 

സിന്ധാബാദ്  സിന്ധാബാദ്  ഹിലരി ക്ലിന്റൺ സിന്ധാബാദ്
ഹിലരി നമ്മുടെ നേതാവ് ധീരതയോടെ നടന്നോളു .
Truthman 2016-07-25 09:17:43

“Hillary Clinton "felt sad" watching a Republican National Convention that was mostly about "criticizing me," she said an interview aired Sunday night on CBS' "60 Minutes."

"I seem to be the only unifying theme that they had," the presumptive Democratic nominee said. "There was no positive agenda. It was a very dark, divisive campaign. And the people who were speaking were painting a picture of our country that I did not recognize -- you know, negative, scapegoating, fear, bigotry, smears. I just was so -- I was saddened by it."

It was the first joint interview that Clinton and her new choice for the vice presidential nomination, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, have conducted since Clinton introduced Kaine on Saturday in Miami.

Clinton complained of a "Hillary standard" -- suggesting that she faces more scrutiny than other top-level politicians.

"I often feel like there's the Hillary standard and then there's the standard for everybody else," she said.

Asked to explain that, Clinton cited "unfounded, inaccurate, mean-spirited attacks with no basis in truth" which "take on a life of their own," pointing to Republicans' criticism at the party's convention in Cleveland last week.

"And for whatever reasons -- and I don't want to try to analyze the reasons. I see it. I understand it," she said. "People are very willing to say things about me, to make accusations about me that are -- I don't get upset about them anymore, but they are very regrettable."

In the interview, Clinton was asked what she calls Trump, in response to his moniker for her: "Crooked Hillary."

"I don't call him anything. And I'm not going to engage in that kind of insult fest that he seems to thrive on," Clinton said.

"So whatever he says about me, he's perfectly free to use up his own air time and his own space to do. I'm going to talk about what he's done, how he has hurt people in business time after time after time," she said.

Kaine, the Virginia senator and former governor who held his first joint rally with Clinton on Saturday in Miami, credited Clinton with letting "water go off her back on this."

"That's not the way I feel. When I see this, you know, 'Crooked Hillary,' or I see the, 'Lock her up,' it's just ridiculous. It is ridiculous," he said, referring to chants that broke out repeatedly at last week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Kaine added: "It is beneath the character of the kind of dialogue we should have, because we've got real serious problems to solve. And look, most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade."

In the interview, Clinton also offered more details on her pledge to make sure the "middle class will not get a tax increase," defining the "middle class" as those who earn less than $250,000 per year.

She said she'd never use a private email server in the White House, and admitted she'd erred by using one as secretary of state.

"Absolutely. I made a mistake. I should've had two accounts; one for personal and one for office. And I didn't, and I take responsibility for that," she said.

Kaine, for his part, described himself as a "utility player." Clinton joked that he "plays a mean harmonica."

Asked if he is ready to be president, Kaine said: "I'm ready first to be a supportive vice president so that the presidency of Hillary Clinton is is a fantastic one. But if something were to put that in my path, as much as any human being would be ready, I'd be ready."

മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക