
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍

ഫാ.ജോണ്‍സണ്‍ പുഞ്ചക്കോണം Published on 29 October, 2013
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
കൊറിയ: നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി സ്‌ത്രീപുരുഷ പങ്കാളിത്തമുള്ള നവസമൂഹം സഭയിലും സമൂഹത്തിലും സൃഷ്ട്‌ടിക്കപ്പെടെണമെന്ന്‌ വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍ ആഹ്വാന0 ചെയ്‌തു.

മലങ്കര ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‌സ്‌ സഭയുടെ ഏഴംഗ ഡെലിഗേഷന്‍ വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍ ഡബ്ല്യുസിസിയുടെ പത്താമത്‌ അസംബ്ലിയില്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കുന്നുണ്ട്‌. ദക്ഷിണ കൊറിയായിലെ ബുസാനില്‍ ഒക്ടോബര്‍ 30 മുതല്‍ നവംബര്‍ എട്ട്‌ വരെയാണ്‌ വ്യത്യസ്‌ത സംസ്‌കാരത്തിലും പാരമ്പര്യത്തിലുമുളള സഭകളുടെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ ഈ ആഗോള സംഗമം നടക്കുന്നത്‌.

നോര്‍ത്ത്‌ ഈസ്റ്റ്‌ അമേരിക്കന്‍ ഭദ്രാസ അധ്യക്ഷന്‍ സഖറിയാ മാര്‍ നിക്കോളോവോസ്‌ മെത്രാപ്പൊലീത്തയാണ്‌ ഡെലിഗേഷനെ നയിക്കുന്നത്‌. ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‌സ്‌ തിയോളജിക്കല്‍ സെമിനാരി പ്രിന്‍സിപ്പലും ഡബ്ല്യുസിസിയുടെ വിവിധ കേന്ദ്ര കമ്മിറ്റികളില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന ഡോ. കെ. എം. ജോര്‍ജ്‌, ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‌സ്‌ തിയോളജിക്കല്‍ സെമിനാരി പ്രൊഫസറും, മലങ്കര സഭാ മാസികയുടെ ചീഫ്‌ എഡിറ്ററുമായ ഫാ. ജോണ്‍ തോമസ്‌ കരിങ്ങാട്ടില്‍, യുകെ, യൂറോപ്പ്‌, ആഫ്രിക്ക ഭദ്രാസനത്തിലെ എക്യുമെനിക്കല്‍ റിലേഷന്‍സ്‌ ആന്‍ഡ്‌ സ്‌പിരിച്വല്‍ ഓര്‍ഗനൈസേഷനുകളുടെ ഡെപ്യൂട്ടി സെക്രട്ടറിയും വിവിധ ആഗോള എക്യുമെനിക്കല്‍ പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലെ ഭാരവാഹിയുമായ എലിസബത്ത്‌ ജോയി, സെന്റ്‌ വ്‌ലാഡിമര്‍ ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‌സ്‌ തിയോളജിക്കല്‍ സെമിനാരി ലക്‌ചറും അമേരിക്കന്‍ ഭദ്രാസനങ്ങളിലെ വിവിധ മിനിസ്‌ട്രികളില്‍ സജീവമായി പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുകയും ഒവിബിഎസ്‌ കരിക്കുലം കോ ഓര്‍ഡിനേറ്ററുമായ സിനാ വര്‍ഗീസ്‌, സെന്റ്‌ വ്‌ലാഡിമര്‍ സെമിനാരിയില്‍ തിയോളജിയില്‍ മാസ്‌റ്റേഴ്‌സ്‌ ചെയ്യുന്ന ലിജിന്‍ ഹന്നാ രാജു, ഡല്‍ഹി ഭദ്രാസനത്തില്‍ നിന്നുളള ഫാദര്‍ അനീഷ്‌ ജോണ്‍ എന്നിവരാണ്‌ മറ്റ്‌ ഡെലിഗേഷന്‍ അംഗങ്ങള്‍.

`ജീവനാഥാ ഞങ്ങളെ നീതിയിലേക്കും ശാന്തിയിലേക്കും നയിക്കേണമെ' എന്നതാണ്‌ മുഖ്യചിന്താ വിഷയം.

ബുസാന്‍ അസംബ്ലിയില്‍ 110 രാജ്യങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നായി അയ്യായിരത്തോളം പ്രതിനിധികള്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കും. ഇതര സഭകളില്‍ നിന്നും പ്രസ്ഥാനങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നും നിരവധി നിരീക്ഷകരും, നൂറുകണക്കിന്‌ മാധ്യമ പ്രവര്‍ത്തകരും പങ്കെടുക്കുന്നുണ്ട്‌.

മാര്‍ത്തോമ സഭയെ പ്രതി നിധീകരിച്ച്‌ അഭിവന്ദ്യ ഡോ. ജോസഫ്‌ മാര്‍ത്തോമ്മ മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്താ, സഖറിയ മാര്‍ തെയോഫിലൊസ്‌ സഫഗ്രന്‍ മെത്രാപ്പോലീത്ത എന്നിവരും പങ്കെടുക്കുന്നു.

WCC’s 60-year journey for gender justice continues

Opening worship and celebrations at the women and men’s pre-assembly

Participants from across the ecumenical membership of the WCC gathered from 28 to 29 October for a Women and Men’s Pre-assembly programme preceding the WCC 10th Assembly in Busan, Republic of Korea. The WCC has had a long tradition and commitment to gender justice and advocacy for a just community of women and men in church and society, a commitment which began at the first WCC assembly in 1948.

The current year marks 60 years since the establishment of the WCC programme on Women in Church and Society. This programme provides an opportunity for women representing different Christian traditions, regions and age groups an opportunity to speak out and share their visions so they might contribute to society, ecumenical movement and the search for Christian unity.

For the first time in Busan, the pre-assembly gathering of women also included participation of men to reflect on the contribution and role of men towards building a just community of women and men in the church and society. The event provided a platform for shared dialogue between women and men on issues of gender justice.

The Women and Men’s Pre-assembly event began with 60th anniversary celebrations. The men joined celebrations of the work of women including Bishop Barbel von Wartenberg Potter from Germany, who served as director of WCC’s Programme for Women in Church and Society from 1983 to 1986; and Dr Aruna Gnanadason from the Church of South India, programme executive for Women in Church and Society, 1991 to 2011. Gnanadason was present at the celebrations and participated in the two-day conversations.

The celebrations continued with a vibrant welcome from Korean and other Asian assembly participants. This also provided an opportunity for an introduction to the Korean culture along with the global company of women and men gathered from across the world.

The women in pre-assembly reflected on the assembly theme “God of life, lead us to justice and peace”. They acknowledged the realities of many communities that are life-denying to women including the stories of sexual violence, abuse and rape of women as a weapon of war in the Congo and the demolition of homes and its corresponding trauma for women and children in Palestine.

Reflecting on women’s journeys

The women at the event also shared experiences of injustice in church and society, which included denial of ordination for women in church ministry and human trafficking. Many women wept at the stories of human trafficking and abuse of women and girls. It is reported that human trafficking for the purpose of sexual slavery and forced labour represents estimated 32 billion US dollars per year in an industry that enslaves more than 30 million women, men and children each year.

A key session during the women’s conversations included a presentation by the Rev. Dr Elaine Neuenfeldt of the Luther World Federation on “Identifying and dismantling patriarchy and other systems of oppression for women”. She pointed out that in order to transform systems of oppression and achieve gender justice there is a need for clear processes, strategies and policies that promote and encourage the equal participation of women and not simply events for gender justice.

A resounding theme of the conversations among the women has been the call for the recognition that “all women’s issues are community issues and community issues are women’s issues”. Rev Dr. Jennifer Leath of the Africa Methodist Episcopal Church and Yale Divinity School reflected on the conversations invited consideration for a broader dialogue on issues of gender that will create opportunities for women to dialogue with the other assembly participants such as youth, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities.

Male participants in their pre-assembly space gathered for an open conversation on masculinities, justice and its connection to gender justice. Victor Kaonga of Trans World Radio in Malawi summarized men’s conversations as an in-depth reflection about the role men play in the advocacy for gender justice. He indicated that the men celebrated achievements of women in their gender justice journey that encouraged men to acknowledge the social structures and privileges of patriarchy to maintain the status quo for women especially in the church. The men also had an opportunity to share their real life experiences and journeys as men and the development of positive masculinity.

The Women and Men’s Pre-assembly provided an inclusive space for dialogue and sharing of conversations between women and men as they journey together in the building of a just community of women and men.

The commitment to gender justice will continue during the WCC assembly, where participants will be encouraged to wear black and support “Thursday in Black” campaign. Through this simple campaign, participants are invited to be part of a global movement urging an end to violence against women. “Thursdays in Black”, according to Dr Fulata Mbano-Moyo, WCC programme executive for Women in Church and Society, is a “united global expression of the desire for safe communities where we can all walk safely without fear of being raped, shot at, beaten up, verbally abused and discriminated against due to one’s gender or sexual orientation.”

Events leading up to WCC assembly focus on justice and peace

WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit greets a young participant at a pre-assembly gathering in Busan.

Justice and peace were highlighted topics during events leading up to the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly. The pre-assembly gatherings engaged assembly participants including youth, indigenous peoples, women, and people with disabilities, as they discussed how to contribute to the assembly in a meaningful way.

Celebrations, prayers and dialogue marked the two-day pre-assembly events, which began on 30 October at the BEXCO centre in Busan, Republic of Korea.

The assembly is bringing together some 3,000 participants from around the world who will represent diverse Christian traditions as they address the theme “God of life, lead us to justice and peace”. Those who attended pre-assembly events reflected on the WCC assembly theme and conducted activities on community building. These gatherings also invoked dialogue on how best to use the assembly as an opportunity to impact the work of the WCC and its member churches in relation to youth, women, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities.

The event for youth especially stood out with its colourful activities and vibrant conversations between young participants of the WCC assembly and senior ecumenical leaders.

Some 600 young Christians ages 18 to 35 are currently in Busan, where they will participate in the assembly in varied capacities, serving as delegates, WCC staff, and communications professionals. In addition, 117 stewards are working behind the scenes to helping to organize the assembly.

Their discussions touched upon several issues of concern for young people in communities, especially eco-justice, migration and peace-building. Together they talked over how to influence the WCC assembly by creating more positive contributions from Christian youth.

A similar event engaged the assembly participants representing the WCCs Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN). Through Bible studies, presentations and discussions they brought into focus reflections on the subject of church for disabled persons in Korean society.

At the event, contributions from women with disabilities were particularly encouraged. They also strategized on how to promote the work of the EDAN so that it can accompany churches in providing equal opportunities of participation in communities to persons with disabilities.

Speakers at the EDAN pre-assembly event represented churches from around the globe.

Among these gatherings, the pre-assembly event organized by the WCC’s programme for women in church and society remained unique for celebrating its 60th anniversary since 1948.

It was the first time in a WCC assembly, men were engaged in reflecting on “masculinity and its relation to justice” side-by-side with women. These efforts were aimed at promoting the cause of “creating just communities of women and men” by the churches.

Women church leaders from Asia and beyond discussed issues to be addressed at the WCC assembly including oppression, sexual health and HIV, gender justice, violence against women, trafficking and sexual slavery of women, feminization of poverty and peace-building.

Assembly participants represented indigenous peoples a pre-assembly event titled “God of life, renew the people of the land”. Their discussions and theological reflections invoked solidarity with struggles for indigenous peoples’ homelands, cultures, spiritual traditions, identities and dignity in many parts of the world.

While they prepared to highlight the issues of indigenous communities at the WCC assembly, they also shared moving stories from indigenous peoples’ struggles against exploitative, extractive industries and unfair development policies.

Pre-assembly participants will take part in a number of activities at the WCC assembly including workshops, ecumenical conversations, exhibitions and other programmes

നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
നീതിക്കും ശാന്തിക്കുമായി നവസമൂഹം സൃഷ്ടിക്കണം: വേള്‍ഡ്‌ ക്രിസ്‌ത്യന്‍ കൌണ്‍സില്‍
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മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക