
The Search for Christ ( Mathew Idikkula)

Published on 22 December, 2014
The Search for Christ ( Mathew Idikkula)
No one has moved the popular minds as Jesus Christ did two thousand years ago with his intensely practical teachings. He inspired, healed, and transformed many, and he continues to inspire millions by virtue of the tremendous spiritual energy that he left for the world. Every time we feed a hungry, nurse a sick, care for a needy, or simply chant the name of Jesus, that energy is multiplied.

    Profound were his teachings; concise were his words, and yet they spoke volumes. It has been said that if the doings and sayings of this great master had all been written down, it would be enough to fill the world!

    Who was Jesus? Was he a historical person? What was his mission? Was he unique in history? These are the questions discussed here in the light of the testimonies of some great minds as well as the sayings of Jesus himself.

     As the saying goes, “The tree is known by its fruits.” The best critique on the life of Jesus is his own life, which reveals that he was no ordinary being. He was indeed an avatar—a divine incarnation in human form, using his body for the good of humanity; that was his only connection with this world. Listen to his own words, “ye are from beneath. I am from above.” “I and my Father are one.”

    Naturally, Jesus had no faith in the passing life of this world. He always pointed to a “higher life, not this life.” Jesus never entertained any physical ideas in him. Neither did he have any family ties, unlike us humans. Listen to this passage from a lecture on Christ that Swami Vivekananda gave at Los Angeles in 1900: “He had no other occupation in life, no other thought except that one that he was Spirit. He was disembodied, unfettered, unbound Spirit.” In short, Jesus had nothing to call “me” or “mine.” He was perfectly selfless. He was the ideal.

There have been many who have taken Jesus to be a historical person. How can we drag an ideal down to the human level? The best tribute we can pay him is to worship him as God only. Consider John’s gospel statement where he makes it clear that the same word that was “in the beginning,” and “was God” was made flesh in Christ—meaning that Jesus was not merely a man born to Joseph and Mary, but he is the eternal Truth, one with the Father. This is further validated by Jesus himself: “Before Abraham was, I am.”

    Why did Jesus descend into this world? In fact, Jesus testifies in his own words the purpose of his mission,”Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”

     The law, the eternal truth of religion preached by prophets before, already existed in the Jewish faith. Jesus came to galvanize humanity with a new interpretation, a new vision. That’s all. And in doing so, he was merely upholding the eternal spirit of the Jewish faith.  More precisely, Jesus came to show the path to salvation.To fulfill his mission, Jesus taught extensively with the sole intent to instill a true spiritual sense among the people so that they are better positioned to strive after the truth of God.

    It is a fact of history that Jesus was a divine incarnation; but it is also a fact of history that there were other incarnations as well. Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Sri Ramakrishna were divine incarnations with identical teachings. Those who regard that Jesus was unique in history base their belief mostly upon this statement of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

 But when we study other incarnations, we find similar statements from them too. For instance, Krishna says: “I am the goal of the wise man, and I am the way.” “I am the end of the path, the witness, the Lord, the sustainer. I am the place of abode, the beginning, the friend and the refuge.” Similar statements can be traced to Buddha as well.

    The problem comes when we are swayed more by a literal interpretation of the letters than by their deeper spiritual meaning. Bear in mind that whenever the incarnations use the words “I” or “me,” they are not asserting their ego but their divinity only, which is one with the Godhead. Of all the incarnations, none have ever implied their personality with such words as “I” or “me.”   

Now the question remains: why would God descend as man more than once?For the answer, let us turn to Bhagavad Gita where Krishna says: “Whenever virtue subsides and immorality prevails, I make myself a body. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of Dharma, I come into being, in every age.” Accordingly, all the incarnations appeared on the world stage at a critical point in time. Most important, it is always the same supreme Spirit that empowers all incarnations, regardless of the place or the age of their appearance.

    Every incarnation, therefore, becomes the way, the truth, and the life. He who came as Rama, as Krishna, and as Buddha, came as Christ, and later as Sri Ramakrishna. When we worship one, we worship the other as well. For they are all different manifestations of the one supreme Truth, like one wine in many bottles.We canapproach the supreme Truth only through one of its manifestations. We seek the Father through Christ. Ultimately, the search for Christ is the search for the Father—the supreme Truth.
The Search for Christ ( Mathew Idikkula)
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Tom abraham 2014-12-22 18:57:13
Even in Jesus time, couple of disciples doubted him. One judas betrayed him. One peter said to the Romans he did not Him.
Thomas had to be shown Jesus chest ! The stories are similar to stories in other religions. What s so great about Christianity needs more Apologetics from writers like Ravi Zachariah s. One has to live ones faith out. That s the message. Rama did, Krishna did, Jesus did. True. Can we practically live out faith out, help our neighbors, sacrifice our lives, idicula sir ?
വായനക്കാരൻ 2014-12-22 20:08:30
Good question Tom Abraham: 'can we practically live our faith out?' Of course not, it's much easier to talk our faith out endlessly. Just watch the endless debates in these pages day after day.  
വിദ്യാധരൻ 2014-12-22 21:52:36
 കിഴവനാം ഈശ്വരൻ 

പഞ്ചാഗ്നി മദ്ധ്യത്തിൽ നിർന്നിമേഷാക്ഷനായി 
പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളടക്കി നിസ്സംഗനായി 

ഈശ്വരൻ സൃഷ്ടിസ്ഥിതിലയകാരിയാ-
മീശ്വരൻ നിന്ന് തപസമാധിസ്ഥനായി 

ഈ സംക്രമോഷസ്സിലീ യുഗാരംഭത്തിൽ 
ഈ ശൂന്യബാഹ്യപ്രപഞ്ചത്തിലേകനായി 

ദൈവം മനുഷ്യനെ ധ്യാനിച്ചു ഭൂമിയിൽ 
കൈവിട്ടുപോയ കിരീടങ്ങൾ നേടുവാൻ 


മന്വന്തരങ്ങളിലൂടെ പരിണാമ -
ധന്യമായി തീർന്ന മാനുഷിക ശക്തിയെ 

പഞ്ചഭൂതാത്മക പന്ജരകോടിയിൽ 
സഞ്ചിതമായ സർഗ്ഗാതമക്ശക്തിയെ 

തന്നിലാവാഹിച്ചുനിർത്തി സ്വയമന്ത-
രിന്ദ്രിയമേകാഗ്രമാക്കി നിശ്ചെഷ്ടനായി 

നിന്ന് കിഴവനാം ഈശ്വരൻ, പൊയ്പ്പോയ 
സ്വർണ്ണ സിംഹാസനം സ്വായത്തമാക്കുവാൻ  (വയലാർ 
Anthappan 2014-12-23 07:43:03

The beginning of the article was ok and then it took a turn to the worst.  Author is  trying to portray Jesus as an avathar, from above, son of God; father and son are the same, etc.  Here, author again like Matthulla,is trying to portray Jesus as God and separate him from the ordinary people.  The author seems like a spokesperson for some religious sector.    Chanting Jesus name is not going to multiply the energy.  Because the energy generated while singing, chanting or dancing are generated from excitement and not a lasting energy.  In order the energy to produce, real thinking is needed and then the continuity through action.   Jesus teachings are about love, compassion and taking care of each other.  He wanted people to be uplifted spiritually and continued it in action rather than wandering around and preaching only like Ravi K. Zacharias (RZIM).  All these people are leading a comfortable life and their operations are business like.  2013 income was 18 million for his ministry and we don’t know how he was spending the money.  There are thousands of people working out there in different parts of the world where TV evangelist hate to go and yet nobody knows about them.  TV evangelism is multimillion dollar business and the only qualification you need is to brain wash the listeners.   Article is monotones and boring with the usual Jesus rhetoric. 

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Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) works to support, expand, and enhance the preaching and teaching and vision of Ravi Zacharias. Distinctive in its strong evangelistic and apologetic foundation, it is intended to touch both the heart and the intellect of the thinkers and opinion-makers of society and to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With a team of individuals based in six countries, RZIM is committed to reaching this generation around the world - in the university, the arts, politics, business, and the church. Through open forums, community outreach, and various media, we seek to remove the barriers to the cross for the skeptic and we prepare Christians to give a reason for the hope within us.


Ninan Mathullah 2014-12-23 08:22:29
All the revealed Hindu scriptures accept Lord Krishna of Hindus as the undivided absolute truth and ultimate reality. He manifests in three features, namely the Brahman, (Godhead), Paramatma (Soul) and Bhagavan (the Supreme Personality). This appears similar to the trinity concept of Christians. Krishna is the source of all other incarnations and forms of God mentioned above. He is the ultimate and end of all truth, the Supreme Being—the origin from which everything else manifests. In Bhagavad-Gita, a Hindu Scripture, incorporated in to the epic Mahabharata, Krishna explains that He is the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Those who know this perfectly, engage in his devotion with the understanding that he is the source of everything. According to Hindus, this is the knowledge that can free a person from sin. You might be surprised to learn that when Hindus call upon Lord Krishna, they might be calling Christ as there is evidence that both Krishna and Christ are derived from the Greek word, “Kristhma,” which means oil. Christ is the anointed of God as it was the practice those days to anoint a king with oil in his coronation ceremony. Oil stands in symbolism for the power from above to do great deed for God. The earliest text to provide a detailed description of Krishna as a personality is the Mahabharata, the great epic of Hindus. Historians agree that like the Iliad, the Mahabharata might be based on actual events—a war that took place in history. Arjuna, the warrior prince, was going to face his relatives, teachers, and friends in battle. Facing them, he lost all of his courage and put his bow, the Gandhiva down. Though he is fighting this battle for the sake of justice, he does not want that justice if the price to be paid is so high. Now Krishna, the incarnation of God, is advising Arjuna that it is necessary to take action. Bhagavad-Gita, in which Krishna advises Arjuna as to how to live, is incorporated into the middle of the Mahabharata epic that some consider a description of this battle. Mahabharata is thought to have been written by the Vyasa Muni. There is a tradition that one of the wise men from the east who visited Jesus Christ when he was born was Vyasa Muni. These wise men came seeing the star of Jesus Christ in the sky. Ancient India was famous for the art and science of watching the skies and making predictions. There are strong parallels in the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and Krishna. Bhagavad-Gita as told by Krishna to Arjuna has strong parallels to the teachings of Jesus and the prophets of Bible where it comes to conduct in life. Just as Krishna advised Arjuna of selfless action, Jesus also taught of giving up the self and taking his own cross to follow Him. There is no explicit mention of Krishna anywhere in Vedas or other ancient scriptures as a personality until after the birth of Jesus. He appears for the first time in Mahabharata, which was composed after Jesus’ birth in the Gupta period, between fourth and sixth century AD. The events and settings related to the birth of Jesus and Krishna sounds very similar. All of this point to a connection between Krishna and Jesus’ birth. Though according to one version, the term “Krishna” in Sanskrit has the literal meaning of black or dark, the Gaudiya tradition explains the primary meaning of the name Krishna as “all attractive.” According to Adi Sankara’s commentary, Krishna means the “existence of knowledge and bliss.” The root or origin of the word Krishna is shrouded in the mystery of antiquity. The process how words and names taking shape as it appear in the dictionary is very interesting. There are interesting stories behind each word and name, if one has the time and energy to research and explore. A few examples will help to illustrate this process. The cashew nut is a delicious fruit collected from a tropical tree. When the Europeans came to Kerala in southern India, they came across this nut displayed for sale. A European asked the name of the nut and the old lady who didn’t know English misunderstood it for the price. So she answered that it is “Cashnet” meaning eight for ‘Cash’, the prevailing monetary unit there. Thus it came to be known in the western world as Cashew nut. One of the important cities in Kerala is Calicut. The local name for the city is “Kozhikod.” The Malayalam language has fifty-four letters, and thus it is easy for natives to pronounce almost any sounds. When the Europeans tried to pronounce it, they found it quite impossible. Thus Kozhikod became Kolicott, and in due time, it became Calicut. Now coming to the origin of Krishna and Christ, it is quite possible that the root of the word Christ is derived from the Greek word Kristhma, which means oil, and Christ means the anointed of God. It was the tradition to anoint kings and priests with oil in their coronation ceremony in olden days. It is quite possible that the name Krishna also is derived from the same Greek root word, “Kristhma.” Vyasa is the author of Mahabharata where Lord Krishna of Hindus appears for the first time. As mentioned earlier, there is a tradition that Vyasa is one of the wise men who visited Jesus after he was born. Greek was a widely spoken language in Palestine at Jesus’ birth. Jewish people are tan in complexion compared to the rest of the Israelites, because of the mixing with other ethnic groups, as proved by the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Rehab, who is prominent in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, was a Black lady. Krishna is also depicted as darker in color. During the time Jesus was born, a battle was going on between the Jews and the Romans. Romans installed Herod as the king in Jerusalem. He was an Idumaen, which means he descended from Esau, the brother of Jacob. Jacob is the ancestor of the Jewish people. So the kingdom rightfully belongs to the Jewish people, and Herod is ruling over them, so they are fighting for their kingdom. If Vyasa was one of the wise men who worshiped Jesus Christ at birth, then it is quite possible that the setting of Mahabharata was the battle that was going on in Palestine and the inspiration to write Bhagavad-Gita was divine. If it was the battle between Aryans and Dravidians, represented by Pandavas and Kauravas in the epic, Aryans can’t claim the kingdom based on this argument, as Dravidians are the original inhabitants of India. Besides, Aryans and Dravidians are not related to each other, and the epic says the Pandavas and Kauravas are close cousins. Is it not probable and possible that all the revelations Vyasa received from God in connection with his travel as one of the wise men, and the information he gathered in his journey and stay in Jerusalem, were incorporated into Mahabharata epic and Bhagavad-Gita in the middle of that epic? Besides, considering the fact that Aryans are close cousins of the Jewish people, though separated by a long distance, the picture becomes clearer. The Armenian historian, Moses of Chorene has recorded it in his “History of Armenia.” Bhagavad-Gita is considered ‘shruthi’ or direct revelation from God by Hindus along with the Vedas, their ancient scriptures. The teachings of Bhagavad-Gita have several parallels to Bible teachings about conduct in life. Based on circumstantial evidence, and available history and traditions, it is quite possible that what is said above can be the truth about the origin of Krishna. If so, when Hindus call upon Krishna, they really must be calling Christ. Since Hindus also are the children of God, all of them will not be allowed to perish by the merciful God. They will get their chance to accept Jesus Christ. Just as the prayer and offerings of Cornelius reached heaven and Apostle Peter was sent to preach to him, many humble and God-fearing Hindus were brought to salvation already, and many are receiving the salvation message.(Taken from 'Metamorphosis of an Atheist- A life journey to the Truth' by the same author, for the first chapter and foreword)
വായനക്കാരൻ 2014-12-23 21:51:46
വായിൽ തോന്നിയത് കോതക്ക് പാട്ട് 
എന്നൊരു ചൊല്ല് പണ്ടേയുണ്ട് 
ഇക്കാലത്തത് കോതക്കല്ല 
ബൈബിൾ വാക്യം പത്ത് പഠിച്ചാൽ 
വിഷ്ണു രാമൻ കൃഷ്ണൻ എന്നിവ- 
യേശുവെക്കാണാൻ വ്യാസമഹർഷി 
വിദ്വാനായി ചെന്നിരുന്നത്രെ! 
ക്രിസ്തുവും  ക്രൃഷ്ണനുമൊരേ പേരിൽ 
വല്ലതും കണ്ട് കോപ്പി പേസ്റ്റ് 
ചെയ്യാൻ മാത്രാം പഠിച്ചാൽ പോരാ 
ദൈവം തന്ന നല്ല തലച്ചോർ 
Ninan Mathullah 2014-12-24 08:32:40
Vaayanakkaran, please read carefully what I wrote. It is not good to respond before reading. I didn't copy anything here. It is taken from my own book. 'Metamorphosis of an Atheist'. I didn't make a statement that Krishna and Christ are from the same word. I said it is possible  both from the same word.based on the available history, traditions and circumstantial evidence.
Anoop 2014-12-24 19:38:17
ഈ ലേഖനവും 'Search for Christ' എന്ന ടൈറ്റിലിൽ തുടങ്ങുന്നു. ക്രിസ്തുവിനെ ക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള തുടരുന്ന അന്വേഷണം. രണ്ടായിരത്തിൽപ്പരം വർഷങ്ങൾ എഴുതിയും പറഞ്ഞും വിശദീകരിച്ചതും വീണ്ടും വീണ്ടും എഴുതിക്കൂട്ടി നിരന്തരം ക്രിസ്ത്യാനികൾ തന്നെ ക്രിസ്തുവിനെ അന്വേഷിക്കുന്നതെന്ത് ? അതുപോലെ രാമ-കൃഷ്ണന്മാരെ ഹിന്ദുക്കളും? അനീതികൾക്കെതിരെ ശബ്ദിച്ചിരുന്ന, തത്സമയം ജീവിച്ചിരുന്ന ഒരു നല്ല ജൂതൻ (ക്രിസ്തു), അക്രമികൾക്കെതിരെ ശബ്ദിച്ചുവെന്നും, നിലവിലിരുന്ന വ്യവസ്ഥകൾക്കും റോമൻ അധികാരികൾക്കെതിരെ പെരുമാറിയതിനും ശിക്ഷിക്കപ്പെട്ടു, അന്നത്തെ രീതിയനുസരിച്ചു മറ്റ്  അക്രമികൾക്കൊപ്പം കുരിശിൽ തറച്ചു യേശുവിനെ കൊല ചെയ്തുവെന്നും, ശാസ്ത്രീയമായ തെളിവുകൾ ഇല്ലാതെ, കഥകൾ നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകൾ ആയി സമൂഹത്തിലുണ്ട്. യേശു  മരിച്ചു മൂന്നാം ദിവസം ഉയർത്തെഴുന്നേറ്റു ശിഷ്യന്മാർക്ക് മുൻപിൽ പ്രത്യക്ഷപ്പെട്ടു, പിന്നീട് ദൈവത്തിങ്കലിലേക്ക് പോയിയെന്ന് വലിയ ഒരു വിഭാഗം ക്രിതുമതവിശ്വാസികൾ കരുതുന്നു. ക്രിസ്തുമതത്തിൽത്തന്നെ അതേപ്പറ്റി പലവിഭാഗങ്ങൾ പലതരത്തിൽ കരുതുന്നുണ്ട് . ക്രിസ്തു മരിച്ചു നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകൾക്കു ശേഷം ക്രിസ്തുവിന്റെ ആരാധകർ അദ്ദേഹത്തെ ദൈവപുത്രനാക്കി ക്രിസ്തുമതവും, വിശ്വാസവും ഉണ്ടാക്കിയെന്നും ക്രിസ്തു അഥവാ 'ക്രൈസ്റ്റ് ' എന്ന പേരിൽ പലർ ആ സമയം ജീവിച്ചിരുന്നുവെന്നും  സ്വർഗ്ഗാരോഹണനായ ഒരു ക്രിസ്തുവിനെപ്പറ്റി തെളിവുകൾ ഇല്ലായെന്നും അറിവുകൾ ഉണ്ട്. ക്രിസ്തുവിനെ വിശ്വാസികൾക്കിടയിൽ വിറ്റു പണമുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ബിസിനസ്സിൽ അനേക മിനിസ്ട്രികൾ ലോകമെമ്പാടും പ്രവർത്തിച്ചു വരുന്നതും നമ്മുക്ക് കാണാനാവും. മാത്തുള്ളയുടെ പോലെയുള്ള  ചെറുകിട വിശ്വാസികളുടെ  ചെണ്ടമേളവും കേള്ക്കാം. 
ക്രിസ്തു ദൈവപുത്രനായി ഭൂമിയിലെ മനുഷ്യരെ രക്ഷിക്കാൻ വീണ്ടും വരുമെന്നു പറഞ്ഞു പോയിട്ട് ഇതുവരെ എത്തിയില്ല. എന്നു വരുമെന്നു വ്യക്തമായി പ്പറഞ്ഞിരുന്നില്ല. അതിനാൽ തലമുറകൾ ഒത്തിരി രക്ഷപെടാനാവാതെ ജീവിച്ചു മരിച്ചു. മാത്തുള്ളയും മരിക്കും മുൻപേ ക്രിസ്തു എത്തും എന്നു പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാനാവില്ല. രണ്ടായിരത്തിൽപ്പരം വർഷങ്ങൾ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടും ഇപ്പോഴും നിങ്ങളും ഞാനും രക്ഷപെടാതെ ഇവിടെ ക്കഴിയുന്നതെന്ത് എന്നു വിവരിച്ചു തന്നിരുന്നുവെങ്കിൽ എന്നൊർത്തുപൊയി. ആരെങ്കിലും പ്ലീസ്...? നേരത്തെ എഴുതിയ വിശ്വാസങ്ങൾ കേട്ടിട്ടുണ്ട് അതൊന്നും എഴുതി സമയം കളയല്ലേ...

Christian 2014-12-24 20:40:41
Anoop shows his ignorance. Christ's divinity was not accepted at Nicea synod as some says (I think writer of Davinci Code) St Paul clearly said, 'If Christ was not ressurrected our belief is in vain.
An ordinary person will not be resurrected/. Anthappan is worried about Ravi Zachartias's salary. Look at Amritanandamay. How much she is making? Most of it is given by Christians in the West believing in instant nirvana.
Anthappan 2014-12-25 06:25:25
I am not worried about anybody's salary. I am worried about ordinary no nonsense people cheated by these frauds under the pretext of heaven over the present life on earth. All these information is posted for people like you to show that how deep ditch you are in.
Christian 2014-12-25 06:29:01
Anthappan says he is worried about people cheated by religions. That is his belief only. Not everyone agrees with that. If he does not believe, it is his decision. Why call others as being 'cheated' when they dont think so? They think that you are misunderstating tings with god and religion
Ninan Mathullah 2014-12-26 05:13:02

Anoop is asking for scientific evidence to believe in Christ. Unless God reveal the truth nobody can believe in Christ. It is the pride and darkness inside that prevent a person from knowing the truth. ‘Ammaye thalliyathinum randu pasham ullappol’ anybody can believe and write anything one wants. It is your choice what you want to believe. Anoop’s usage of the word,‘cherukida viswasam’ is a new usage to me. Please explain it. The second coming of Jesus is in the authority of God. Even disciples asked about it to Jesus, and were told that ‘Kaalanghalum samayanghalum’ is in the authority of God and is not for anybody to enquire into it. If God choose not to reveal it there is no way to find it. But everything that has happened in history so far is as revealed in Bible. Those who read Bible in a superficial way will not see that. One needs heavenly grace to understand that. For that grace one need humility instead of all knowing pride. It is revealed in Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation. Before the second coming of Jesus the whole world will be under a supper power for seven years. Great tribulations and wars between nations will be there beforehand. After seven years Jesus will appear in the skies and resurrection of all the dead in Christ and those living waiting for his return will take place. World will continue through great suffering and tribulation after that. I do not know what proof Anoop needs to believe it other than what is written in Bible. Those who ask for signs again and again can’t see the light because of the darkness and disbelief in their heart. It is possible that Antichrist will take charge of the military of USA and NATO and the whole world will be under a supper power soon. Only through military power the whole world can be brought under a supper power, and there is no other country in the world that can compete with US and NATO military power and technology. One by one countries of the world will fall to this military power. Many have already fallen. Afghanistan is a strategically important spot. One step from there each can take this supper power to India, China and Russia. One by one country will fall. If you can read the writings on the wall, well. God will not do anything major without giving hints about it to the faithful. Prophets and writers will explain such things and those destined to believe it will believe and others will think of it as stories. There is not much time left. The exact time and hour nobody knows but God only knows.

മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക