
കാന്‍സസില്‍ ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്ക്കു നേരെ വര്‍ഗീയവാദി വെടി വച്ചു; ഒരാള്‍ മരിച്ചു

Published on 23 February, 2017
കാന്‍സസില്‍ ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്ക്കു നേരെ വര്‍ഗീയവാദി വെടി വച്ചു; ഒരാള്‍ മരിച്ചു
ഒലത്ത്, കാന്‍സാസ്: എന്റെ രാജ്യം വിട്ടു പോകുക എന്നാക്രോശിച്ച് വംശീയവാദി നടത്തിയ വെടിവയ്പില്‍ ഒരു ഇന്ത്യക്കാരന്‍ മരിച്ചു. ഒരാള്‍ക്കു പരുക്കേറ്റു.

മിഡില്‍ ഈസ്റ്റില്‍ നിന്നുള്ളവരാണെന്നു തെറ്റിധരിച്ചാണു വെടിവച്ചതെന്നു അറസ്റ്റിലായ ആഡം പൂരിന്റണ്‍ (51) പറഞ്ഞു.

ഒലത്തിലെ ഒരു ബാറില്‍ വച്ചാണു ബുധനാഴ്ച വൈകിട്ട് മൂന്നു പേര്‍ക്ക് നേരെ അയാള്‍ വെടി വച്ചത്. ശ്രീനിവസ്സ് കുച്ചിബൊട്‌ലയാണു മരിച്ചത്. സുഹ്രുത്ത് അലോക് മദസാനിക്കു വെടിയേറ്റു. ഇരുവരും ജി.പി.എസ് കമ്പനി ഗാര്‍മിനിലെ എഞ്ചിനിയര്‍മാരാണ്.

നേവിയില്‍ സെനികനായിരുന്ന പുരിന്റണ്‍ ഇന്നു (വ്യാഴം) രാവിലെ മിസൂറിയിലെ ഒരു ആപ്പീള്‍ബീയില്‍ മദ്യപിച്ചു കൊണ്ടിരിക്കെതാന്‍ രണ്ടു മിഡില്‍ ഈസ്റ്റുകാരെ കൊന്നെന്നും ഒളിച്ചിരിക്കാന്‍ ഇടം വേണമെന്നും പറഞ്ഞു. ബാര്‍ടെന്‍ഡര്‍ വിവരം പോലീസില്‍ അറിയിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു.

ഇന്നലെ ബാറില്‍ വച്ച് നിരന്തരം അയാള്‍ വര്‍ഗീയ അധിക്ഷേപം നടത്തുകയായിരുന്നു. ഇതിനെതിരെ ഇയാന്‍ ഗ്രില്ലോട്ട് എന്ന മറ്റൊറ്റാള്‍ രംഗത്തു വന്നു. അതോടേ പൂരിന്റണ്‍ പുറത്തേക്കു പോയി തിരിച്ചു വന്ന ശേഷം ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്‍ക്കു നേരെ വെടി വച്ചു. വെടിയുണ്ട തീര്‍ന്നു എന്ന ധാരണയില്‍ ഗ്രില്ലോട്ട് അയാളൂടെ പുറകെ ചെന്നു. അപ്പോള്‍ അയാള്‍ ഗ്രില്ലോട്ടീനെയും വെടിവച്ചു. കയ്യിലും തോളിലുമാണു ഗ്രില്ലോട്ടിനു വെടിയേറ്റത്.

തങ്ങളുടെ ജീവനക്കാര്‍ക്കു സംഭവിച്ച ദുരന്തത്തില്‍ ഗാര്‍മിന്‍ കമ്പനി അഗാധ ദുഖം രേഖപ്പെടുത്തി. കുച്ചിബോട്ട്‌ലക്കു വേണ്ടിയും ഗ്രില്ലോട്ടിനു വേണ്ടിയും രണ്ട് ഗോ ഫണ്ട് മീ ധനശേഖരണം തുടങ്ങി. 
ഒന്നര ലക്ഷം ഡോളറാാണു ലക്ഷ്യമിട്ടതെങ്കിലും വ്യാഴാഴ്ച വൈകിട്ട് എട്ടര വരെ 161,000 ഡോളര്‍ സമാഹരിച്ചു

HAF Condemns Missouri Hate Crime Shooting of Indian Immigrants

Washington, DC (February 23, 2017) — Leaders of the Hindu American Foundation condemned the shooting of two Indian immigrants and an American bystander in Olathe, Kansas on Wednesday, in what appears to be a hate crime.


According to media reports, a 51-year old resident of Olathe, shot Garmin engineers Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani, as well as bystander Ian Grillot who attempted to prevent the shooting, which occurred at a local bar. Kuchibhotla was killed in the attack, while Madasani and Grillot were injured. 

Prior to the attack, the perpetrator, Adam Purinton, was yelling racial slurs and told the victims, who he reportedly mistook for being of Middle Eastern origin, to “get out of my country.” 

Both Kuchibhotla and Madasani earned undergraduate degrees at Indian universities, with their graduate work done at colleges in the United States. Kuchibhotla is survived by his wife and family members in India. 

The shooter was arrested early Thursday morning, after being turned in to police by a bartender in Clinton, Missouri, to whom he bragged about the shooting and said he needed a place to hide out. Purinton has since been charged with first-degree murder.


The murder of Kuchibhotla is the first reported bias-motivated fatality in the United States after the bitter Presidential election. 

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Srinivas Kuchibhotla,” said Jay Kansara, Director of Government Relations. “We are also praying for a speedy recovery for the injured. We call upon the US Department of Justice and local law enforcement to investigate this murder as what it is, a hate crime. Anything less will be an injustice to the victims and their families.” 

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help send Kuchibhotla’s remains to his native India.


“We at HAF want to thank those who put themselves at risk to stop this attack or to bring the perpetrator to justice,” Kansara added. “It is these acts of heroism in our communities that make America great.” 

This tragic shooting occurs as hate crimes and acts of bigotry have risen notably in recent months. In the past week alone, a Jewish cemetery was vandalized in St Louis, Missouri, offices of Jewish civil society organizations have received bomb threats, and a man was removed from a flight between Chicago and Houston after leveling racist taunts at Pakistani and Indian passengers, to name just a few incidents. 

HAF urges anyone that has been harassed, assaulted or threatened with harm on the basis of their identity (e.g., race, religion, disability, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation), to report the incident to law enforcement immediately. Similarly, community members should report any incidents involving vandalism, hateful graffiti, desecration, arson, or violence directed towards temples or other properties. 

HAF also requests help in tracking incidents of identity-based or bias-motivated intimidation, threats, harassment, and violence being experienced in our communities by filling out the Bias-Motivated Crime Data Collection Form, if they or someone they know has experienced or witnessed an incident.


A white Kansas man suspected of shooting two Indian men in an apparent hate crime said he had thought they were from the Middle East.

Adam Purinton allegedly opened fire on three people at a bar in Olathe, Kansas on Wednesday. One man was killed, while the other two were seriously injured.

Witnesses told local media that Purinton had spewed racial slurs and shouted, "Get out of my country!" before attacking the completely innocent men.

Purinton, a 51-year-old Olathe resident and Navy veteran, was arrested early Thursday morning while drinking at a bar in an Applebee's in Clinton, Missouri.

According to the bartender, Purinton told him he had needed a place to hide out after killing two "Middle Eastern" men. Upon hearing this, the bartender called the police, who took the suspected shooter into custody.

The supposed "Middle Eastern" men Purinton allegedly shot were both engineers on the aviation systems team at the technology company, Garmin.

GoFundMe page set up for the victims identified the man who was killed as Srinivas Kuchibhotla. According to the page, which was set up by a friend of Kuchibhotla, the shooter had been drunk and was "hurling racial slurs" before the attack.

"Srini was the kindest person you would meet, full of love, care and compassion for everyone," the page reads. "He never uttered a word of hatred, a simple gossip, or a careless comment. He was brilliant, well-mannered and simply an outstanding human being.  His wife, Sunayana, and his family are now faced with incredible grief and a multitude of expenses."

The other Indian man injured was identified as Alok Madasani. "We're saddened that two Garmin associates were involved in last night's incident, and we express our condolences to the family and friends of our co-workers involved," their company said in a statement after the attack.

"Alok Madasani and Srinivas Kuchibhotla, both employees at Garmin, were enjoying their evening at a local sports bar in Olathe, KS when they were confronted with racist, bigoted remarks and ultimately shot as part of what appears to have been a vicious hate crime," wrote another GoFundMe page for the victims.

The third victim has been identified as Ian Grillot. He was shot in the hand and shoulder. A GoFundMe page set up for him narrated the incident: "Ian found himself in the wrong place trying to be a helping hand. Ian stood up for two people being mistreated by a man who was in the wrong. Said man left and later returned to Austins Bar and Grill to open fire. Ian thought all rounds were done and tried to go after the man. This resulted in Ian being shot."

This is by no means the first time South Asians have been attacked by racists and Islamophobes who assumed they were from the Middle East.

In December, a man shot a store clerk of Indian descent in Michigan in the face. The shooter, who also appeared to be a U.S. military veteran, called the clerk a "terrorist," insisted he was a member of ISIS, and shouted that he "used to kill people like him in Iraq."

Adherents of the Sikh religion, who are not Muslim, are frequently targeted in anti-Muslim hate crimes by violent bigots who believe they are.

കാന്‍സസില്‍ ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്ക്കു നേരെ വര്‍ഗീയവാദി വെടി വച്ചു; ഒരാള്‍ മരിച്ചു
Madasani, 32, who was injured
കാന്‍സസില്‍ ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്ക്കു നേരെ വര്‍ഗീയവാദി വെടി വച്ചു; ഒരാള്‍ മരിച്ചു
Iyan Grillot who tried to help
കാന്‍സസില്‍ ഇന്ത്യാക്കാര്ക്കു നേരെ വര്‍ഗീയവാദി വെടി വച്ചു; ഒരാള്‍ മരിച്ചു
Purinton, the shooter
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andrew 2017-02-24 18:52:09

to : rev. dr Abraham;

too many tittles and decorations to your name. But think _ where was your god when an innocent man was shot ?. Do you want to bring in your inactive, unconcerned god here ?

or blame it on the president to the uneducated to under educated who voted for him.

sad to see many Malayalees voted for him.

Rev. Dr. Abraham 2017-02-24 17:04:27

A very sad news that one of our professionals became a victim under these circumstances. Bad guys carrying concealed weapons to a bar,where good people go for socializing, some escape, some release from stress. A drunk man confused about the Middle East. He will get a defense Attorney and plead guilty on the grounds- shooting under influence, insanity or insecurity, Phoebia that if he did not, somebody would bombard the bar, killing everybody. Fantasy, hallucination... Bar, bar, right professionals in wrong place. Beware, character is destiny. We learn everyday, but still imperfect. Nobody is a winner. God bless the victims' families.

Anthappan 2017-02-24 21:21:41
What happened to Donald Trump's Best friend billionaire Shalabh Kumar and his Hindu collision? Millions of Indians voted for Trump misguided by Shalabh Kuamar and word that Indians would be taken care of by Trump.   Trump and his buddy Steve Bannon's agenda is a White America and in that the chances of non Europeans are very slim. All Indians should guard against this kind of attacks because Trump's stooges are in full force attacking minorities.  The recent violence against Jews are an indicator of this.   
Ravi Menon 2017-02-25 07:31:42

Please apply some commonsense and talk!!!

Understand and absorb to your head, no one is supporting any type of killings.  Unfortunately here some ignorant white supremacist attacked our fellow Indian and you started applying cheap politics here? പുരകത്തുമ്പോൾ വാഴ വെട്ടുക എന്ന് കേട്ടിട്ടേയുള്ളു Andrew & Anthappan. You proved it.

In 2012 seven people were shot and killed at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Was it because you voted for Obama?

Shaji, Dallas 2017-02-25 14:19:41
Racism is very high in most part of US. Children are bullied in schools, Many dark skinned are told to go back home. People are detained in airports for hrs. Police is checking people with racial ethinicity.
Menon if you travel out of US and when come back you going to suffer severe scrutiny.
 Media is not reporting many racial profiling crimes to prevent copy cats. White extremits will be more courageous to do more evil because they have a president and cabinet full of racists. 90% of police are affiliated to KKK. Menon, you might be sitting in a cave unaware of what is happening.
Vinod,NY 2017-02-25 14:26:15
Evil is evil, when you see evil in front of you, do not justify it by saying like things happened before.
we all know white nationalists are doing racial profiling & crimes all over.
They voted for trump and he has not told the fundamentalists to stop evil crimes.
if you voted for trump you are a racist too menon
Anthappan 2017-02-25 20:57:55
I really regret for what happened to this young professional.  I don't have any hesitation to tell that the increased violence we see in this country against the minority is Triggered by one of the unqualified President elected by people like Ravi Menon.  Trump is a pathological liar and a narcissist. He doesn't care about anyone other than himself.  He and his radical white group want to get rid of all the emigrants and want to make this country great again with whites.  People like Ravi Menon is going to learn hard way. They are going to wake up when they get kicked in their ass until then they keep on fighting with people  tell the truth.  As Andrew said, if you see the stock market surge as the indication of Trumps glory then you are mistaken. It is the result of the rhetoric Trump is using not because he has done anything yet.  He is busy suppressing media who is trying to bring out the Russian connection and eventually his impeachment.  More you can read in my comment posted under G. Puthenkurish's article.  I don't want to waste my time on you because of your poor intellectual capacity. 
Ravi Menon 2017-02-26 08:51:30

It is a no brainer to understand that Andrew, Anthappan, Shaji Dallas & Vinod NY are SAME person. Just looking at the way of writing, anyone can easily make out.

They never have any answers. അരിയെത്ര എന്നുചോദിക്കുമ്പോൾ, പയറഞ്ഞാഴി.

Now to precisely answer your question, I may be sitting on a cave or couch. It doesn’t matter. That is not the problem here. Problem is your lack of commonsense. 

Most of us came to this land of opportunity with our own hard work and we made it. You may be a dependent and that is why you make noise out of your frustration.

മുൻവിധികൾ മാറ്റിവെച്ചു start liking this land, like we all do. Then you will see the difference in YOU.

andrew 2017-02-26 12:47:35

ആന ചങ്ങല പോലുള്ള ചങ്ങലയാല്‍ പൂട്ടപെട്ട അടിമകള്‍ .

സായിപ്പിനെ കാണുമ്പോള്‍ കവാത്ത് മറക്കുന്നവര്‍

Cardinal Tittu has described SLAVERY through his beautiful experience. One time the pilot of his flight from S. Africa was a dark skinned African. Cardinal was nervous until the aircraft landed. Later in his recollections he confessed, his nervousness was the aftermath of Slavery. Slavery can make you loose your confidence and reason. Even though he fought slavery he was a victim of it.

The colonial powers, especially Britain was able to conquer and subdue many countries not because of its Naval power alone but because of the help of the Natives. Indians, still are slaves to the supremacy of the 'white skin'. India was under the tyranny of of the white skinned, the more powerful white skinned British took the power from the vedic white supermists and gave the power back to them when they left India. People like Menon are still in the chains of white supremacy. He has popped up several times before in different names. I can only show you the path & light, you have to free yourself. Slavery can poison you entirely, from the tip of the toe to pituitary gland of the brain.

It is also a fact, American slave traders were able to round up and capture many Africans because their hiding places were shown to the slave traders by African natives. Not because they were evil, but it is the poison of slavery that intoxicated them to betray their own.

It is also a fact, the French revolutionaries freed the prisoners in the Paris prison, but many came back the same day or other, they preferred prison to freedom. We can see the same described in the allegory of the cave by Plato. Permanent 'cave dwellers' ; they never saw Sun or real world outside, when they were brought outside, they were not able to tolerate the reality and demanded to go back to the cave.

Just think : Jesus, would have been a sun burned brown skin man. But look at the Jesus hanging on the cross- he is white skinned. It was a very smart idea. And that is one of the reason Christianity spread. But if the Jesus on the cross is dark skinned African, Christianity would not have spread into European countries. The Spanish conquerors of South America were white. Natives thought them to be gods and worshiped them & they simply took over.

It is hard to get rid of the poison of slavery. It is deeply blended into your flesh, blood and brains.

Those who can think, reason, may be able to free themselves from the cruel clutches of slavery.

Until that time, you will attack those who try to free you.

It is sad to see some Indians & especially Malayalees; still singing hallelujah to racists.

Is it is due to slavery or religious fanaticism ? Both are dangerous for the survival of a civilized humanitarian society !

മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക