
On Growing Old (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 10 March, 2023
On Growing Old (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

During your heydays 
You throw garbage,
You throw tantrums,
You throw arrogance,
You throw hatred, but,
As you grow older, you
Expect love, care, and sympathy on you
Now, you must be insane to 
Believe you will get the 
Opposite of what you give.

As we grow older-
Controlling our wants,
Controlling our emotions,
Controlling our mind,
Controlling our tongue,
Controlling our desires,
Help us to prepare ourselves
For a different path; that is:
Peace for the Soul.

Accumulating year’s means
Becoming rich in experience,
Shredding your arrogance,
Doing away with ego,
Showering love to your children,
Letting go of desires,
Not wanting more and more money 
Gaining respect from where you are;
Else, you are to be kept at bay.

Growing old is not just
Greying of hair, wrinkling of skin,
Aching of joints, falling of teeth, 
An elderly parent will
Embrace your child with love,
Give a shoulder to lean on,
Understand your child's pain,
Comfort them with soothing words;
It is not money but love that weighs more!

Inner peace exhibits itself as happiness in your face,
Happiness exhibits joy in your doings,
Joy makes your actions a pleasure,
Pleasure soothes people around,
This is for young and old alike.
Becoming old is a pleasure with rich experience
Good enough to guide the young ones;
This helps create happy environment 
For the next generation to pass it on.

A person with integrity
A person with humility
A person with wisdom
A person with loyalty
Is more literate than
A person with qualifications
Sans none of the above.


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