
On Listening and People (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 10 May, 2024
On Listening and People (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Reserve your energy for positive talks,
Reserve your strength for noble deeds,
Reserve your words for those true,
Reserve your time for honest people,
Reserve your thoughts for those true,
Reserve your feelings for those who understand,
Sharing to the rest could be counter-
Productive; so, beware!

We listen to some wise words,
We listen to much garbage too.
We listen to understand the other,
We listen not to reply.
We listen to hone ourselves,
We listen not to become regressive.
We listen to listen better each day,
We listen not to blindly listen.
Listen to some; others will listen to you.

Sheer listening does it all.
Giving no reply says it all.
Looking into the eyes means it all.
Staying away signals it all.
Being at a distance conveys it all.
Behaving clandestine show, it all.
Acting in front of people gives it all.
Be the real you, you fake, 
and the screen falls off soon.

Not every talk needs a continuity.
Not every question needs an answer.
Not all things should be carried on.
Not all people need to be close.
Not everyone need know about you.
Not everything you do be justified.
Not necessary that all you do is right.
Nature and humans are all imperfect.

When people behave clandestine,
Take the hint rather than overlook.
When people talk neanderthal,
Know their worth than overlook.
When people's thoughts are primitive,
Think of their upbringing than ignore.
When people act miserly and beguiling,
Know their cunningness than overlook.
Life's best lessons, do not overlook..

Know your worth with your family,
Know your worth with your friends.
Know where you stand at meso level.
Know your value with your siblings.
When value and worth decreases,
Know you are unwelcome.
Learn to abstain and silence for your peace. 
Be measured in your talk and deeds.

Maintaining closeness with a few,
Maintaining secrets with a few,
Maintaining yourself as you with a few,
Makes it better and easier than
Having a wide circle of people,
Having a wide group of friends,
Having a large band of extended kin
All who judge, scoff and mock,
behind you but laugh with you!


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