From the readings and sapthahams and Navahams I attended in Mumbai, I could gather some knowledge which I would like to share with my readers who have always evinced and expressed great interest and inquisitiveness to acquire the knowledge potential. I too strongly believe that the knowledge we gather from books and discourses and even discussions with knowledgeable souls should be shared with others from time to time. Otherwise, it remains futile like the wealth with a miser which is of no use. I am sure these stories and articles which contain good morals will be more helpful particularly, to the younger generation to instil in them a passion for learning our cultural heritage!
Here in these series of articles and stories, I wish to start with some striking stories which I recollect from Bhagavatham etc and I wish to begin with:
NIMI MAHARAJA, an emperor who belonged to the IKSHWAKU DYNASTY, decided
to perform a thousand year -long YAGA, a holy ritual, to please the deities. He wished to entrust the task to Brahma -Rishi Vasishta. But the sage expressed his inability to comply with the king instantly as he was already tied up with the task of performing a five hundred -year Yaga for Devendra and promised to do it soon after that assignment.
But, Nimiraja engaged Rishi Gouthama and started performing the Yaga as decided. When Vasishta rishi came to know about it he was so angry and cursed him to be Videhi(without body).Nevertheless, the king performed the Yaga and at the conclusion, the Devas appeared before him and offered a body which he was reluctant to accept. Instead, he requested them that, he would prefer to stay in the eyes of all creatures so that he could see everyone, when they open and close their eyelids. The wish was granted and it is believed as per the mythologies that it is because of the presence of the king Nimi that all creatures are opening and closing their eyes! The well-known Navayogies, (nine rishis) it is belied that, explained to the king the Bhagavatha Dharma (the ethics), the quintessence of Bhagavatham like Sukacharya did to Pareekshith, who did a tireless day -and -night Sennight (seven days discourse or Sapthaham) to educate him on Bhagavatham and cleared all his doubts and queries then and there.
The Navayogies are-Kavi, Hari, Anthareekshan, Prabudhan, Pippalayanan, Aavihothran, Dravidan, Chamadan, Karabhaajanan.