
On Words (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 24 May, 2024
On Words (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

The best companion music.
The best advice given 'use your brains;'
The best thing in life work with passion.
The best song is that which gives peace to the soul.
The best book is one that teaches life.
The best way to calm down is meditate.
The best way to learn is retrospect.

Those people who tell they know you,
Those people who claim their closeness to you,
Those people who think they can take,
Undue liberty with you,
Those people who act good in front of you,
Are those people to watch out for!
They can turn against you anytime.

The words that pour out 
Are the words of your heart.
Be it happy or sad times,
Be it calm or tempered times,
Words reflect your mind,
What resides in is what pours out.
Feelings of crystal need care,
Value and a treasure so precious,
Not to be broken.

What you feel is what pours out.
You may fake but not your heart.
You may act but not your words.
You may try to be good, but,
The real you will show up soon.
If you love, let that be true love.
If you care, let that be genuine.
If you have a fondness, let it be real.
Real remains real but fake is not real.

When that pure love is tested,
When that pure love has ruffles,
When that pure love is rough,
When that pure love has tribulations,
When that pure love has faults,
When that pure love has anger,
All else fails but pure love stands.
If it has to win, none can intrude.

Your words reflect your thoughts,
Your thoughts mirror your feelings,
Your feelings talk those actions,
Your actions resonate your upbringing.
All forms a complete circle,
Good or bad that is your mould.
Some have a screen and some do not;
Be true, be you - that is the real article.

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