
On Passion (Dr.Anna Sekhar )

Published on 02 June, 2024
On Passion (Dr.Anna Sekhar )

Passion helps build a mindset to learn,
Passion helps foster a heart humble,
Passion helps gain respect as an expert,
Passion is all about becoming better,
Passions knows no limits to growth.
Passion prides itself in seeking knowledge.
Passion is all about dedication and love for what you do.

Striving to learn more is passion to grow.
Asking for feedback is passion to hone.
Accepting criticism is passion to become an expert.
Having humility is passion to be an exemplar.
Knowing whom to ask is passion,
to seek that right guidance. 
Be passionate and that takes you places.

When passionate, you are drawn to it.
When passionate, you focus on it.
When passionate, you have that drive.
When passionate, you work for it.
When passionate, nothing stops you.
When passionate, challenges mean null.
When passion drives you, you enjoy.
What you do and there is no stopping.

Your passion for what you do,
Determines your love for it.
Your passion to get it better,
Shows your thirst to grow.
Your passion to continuously hone,
Explains your grit to being an expert.
Your passion for humility and learning
Speaks about you and your upbringing.

Working with passion
Helps build up dedication.
Loving what we do
Helps find joy in our work.
Taking on challenges
Helps us uncover new facts.
Seeking answers
Helps grow our curiosity.
Do what you love and keep learning.

Passion is about doing what you love.
Passion is enjoying those hard yards.
Passion is about not giving up.
Passion is striving for the better.
Passion is about honing constantly.
Passion is working to achieve your goal.
Passion does not reject feedback.
Of everything, passion is never saying die.

When you love what you do,
You are passionate.
When you do what you love,
You are passionate.
When you desire challenges in what you do, 
you are passionate.
When you strive to improve,
You are passionate; Passion is not
Taught but is innate from the gut.


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