
On Cold, Wet Mornings (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 08 July, 2024
On Cold, Wet Mornings (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Grey clouds adorn the skies
With a mild border of light blue;
Weird but lovely palate of colours
That display their best show!
Birds quietly minding their work
And the flora stiff, still and stubborn.
Interestingly defiant Mother Nature 
Who carries on with least fret for others.

A cold and rainy wintry morning
When sun is still asleep lazily;
Fog blankets every vision
And there is that whaft of cold breeze.
Silence as it seems for the birds
Confused if it is dawn or dusk!
Leaves busy shaking and filling
The place with pristine air to inhale. 
A fresh new day to start again.

A grey and cloudy morning
With a mild flow of fresh, cold air;
Waking your lungs for a new start
And filling the airbags with freshness;
Nature shows no movements but,
People all busy with their chores;
A typical wintry week with Antarctic
Winds showing their might in spurts.

Sun shining but with little effect,
A whaft of mild fresh breeze stronger,
Flora erect and dormant, yet happy,
Homo sapiens cozy with their heaters,
Birds chirping their morning nessages,
Nothing stops with season's changes;
Be brisk and sail with the wave is the call out; 
life goes on and has no room for excuses.

A palate of copper sulphate blue
Blending with a layer of mild gold,
Appearing as soft as velvet and 
delicate like a layer of tender cotton;
The bright sun lazily and cosily wrapped, 
And wondering if He has to show 
his Bright Face for the day;
A typical crisp winter day to not complain but enjoy.

Wet few days again with no respite,
Cloudy skies a layer of grey velvet,
Lawns green and fat with moist,
Flora slouch unable to bear trinkets
of raindrops on their leaves.
Homo sapiens in their winter suits; 
Mild breeze to keep it fresh,
A typical winter day to enjoy.

Distinct rays of mighty weak sun,
Looking quaint but freckled;
Being monolithic in the job,
With no reason to give up;
The velvety cotton - like clouds
Blue with a tinge of grey and 
signs of moisture that flow down as rain; 
Perfect ephemeral winter
That lasts for another two months.


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