
On Joint Family (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

Published on 15 July, 2024
On Joint Family (Dr. Anna Sekhar)

There was never a dull moment
When growing up in a joint family;
A big home with people all around,
Hustle-bustle always and,
Voices heard all the time; that was fun
With no room for complaints.
Plenty food and plethora of everything,
One to many parents to watch over,
Something not all understand!

With a lot of eyes to watch over
With a lot of warmth that shield you;
With a lot of care you can ask for,
With a lot of discipline too;
Your words have to be elegant
And no room for arrogance;
Your etiquette to be immaculate
With no room for primitivity- 
an upbringing to be noted.

Those fun and laughs,
My cheeky side are pleasant memories;
Now, a new phase of life:
No parents to worry about,
No parental home and No siblings too!! 
The wide open unexplored world
Opens her arms for me to explore!

I never grew old to my parents
Till they were around;
Altho' I reminded them: 'to the
others I've grown,' they reminded
me back: "to us you're our lil angel."
Now, they are my guardian angels
Whose guidance I can hear
In every step I take, in every word I talk, 
in everything I do.
Their place as parents none'll replace.

A very unique way of talking,
A very strange form of hugs,
A very unimaginable way of seeing,
A very different way of feel!
Something I never thought of,
Something I never imagined,
All completely new and queer,
A life for another score without parents!

Cosily nestled in my Dad's arms,
I never felt scared of anything;
Leaning on my Mum's chest,
I never worried about tomorrow;
Laughing with all at home,
I never knew the word stress;
Eating in a joint family, 
I never thought about myself 
It was always all of us together!!

The warmth one enjoys lying
On the chest of the parent
Is not comparable to any lounge;
That caring hug one gets whilst
Leaning on the chest of the parent
Is the cosiest pillow one can imagine!
That loving touch when given 
By the parent is the best feel one
Enjoys; that is called true love.

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