We were a very happy bunch,
Although joint family, we were a trio!
We laughed our world all could hear;
We fought and argued like thunder;
We had everything in plenty that
we did not want any more new for ourselves;
We sought happiness in little things
And that feeling Divine!
Its all memories that brings a smile.
No matter how young or old,
No matter what you are or not;
No matter how you look,
No matter where you are, to
Parents we remain their children.
While to some money is important,
While to others status is paramount,
It is a blessing to have parents
who comfort you when you need!
When parents pass away, no matter
old you are, you feel orphaned.
No matter how mentally strong you are,
you feel a deep void within.
No matter how practical you may be,
you feel a sadness that none will know.
No matter how much emotions you zip,
You long for mum's warm hug;
Not all are genuine; some sweet tongue, silly heart.
Heard the word 'mum' from a lady
Seated next to me in this rattling bus;
My ears and eyes light hearing this
Powerful three letter word ' Mum;'
What can I say, it took me back to
Those times when I bothered my mum
Calling her Ammeejaan, Mumma,
Mago, Ammaey- And what not!
Mumma its not the same anymore!!
No matter what be your language,
The word 'Mum' is universal;
No matter what be your culture,
Calling your 'Mum' does not change;
No matter where you live,
Thinking about 'Mum' never fades;
The day she passes and the time
you can no longer hear her,
is the toughest phase; none takes her place.